Parenting and Teen Safe Driving


The US Department of Transportation designates October 15-21, 2023, as National Teen Safe Driving Week - an important initiative to raise awareness about teenage drivers' risks and challenges and promote safe driving habits among young drivers. Here are some critical considerations for parents to keep in mind during this month and throughout the year:

  1. Lead by Example: Parents should set a good example by practicing safe driving habits themselves. Teenagers are more likely to emulate their parents' behavior.
  2. Start Early: Begin teaching your teenager about safe driving well before they start driving. Discuss road safety, traffic laws, and the importance of responsible driving from a young age.
  3. Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) Programs: Familiarize yourself with your state's GDL program, which typically imposes restrictions on young drivers. Ensure that your teen complies with the requirements of their learner's permit and intermediate license stages.
  4. Driver's Education: Enroll your teenager in a comprehensive driver's education program. These programs provide essential knowledge and practical skills, including safe driving techniques.
  5. Set Clear Rules: Establish clear rules and expectations for your teenager's driving, such as curfew, passenger limits, and technology usage while driving.
  6. Limit Nighttime Driving: Statistics show that a significant number of accidents involving teenage drivers occur at night. Consider limiting nighttime driving, especially in the early months of driving.
  7. Proper Vehicle Maintenance: Ensure that the vehicle your teenager drives is well-maintained and safe. Regularly check the tires, brakes, lights, and other essential safety features.
  8. No Alcohol or Drugs: Emphasize the absolute prohibition of alcohol and drug use while driving. Make sure your teen understands the dangers and legal consequences.
  9. Cell Phone Use: Stress the importance of not using a cell phone or any other distractions while driving. Consider implementing a "no phone" policy when behind the wheel.
  10. Supervised Practice: Spend time supervising your teen's driving practice. This helps them gain experience and confidence. It's also an excellent opportunity to provide feedback and reinforce good habits.
  11. Encourage Seat Belt Use: Ensure that your teenager and all passengers in the vehicle always wear their seat belts. Seat belts save lives and reduce the severity of injuries in accidents.
  12. Monitor Driving Habits: Utilize technology or apps that can help you monitor your teen's driving habits, such as speed, location, and sudden stops. This can provide you with insights into their behavior and safety.
  13. Talk About Risks: Engage in open, ongoing conversations about the risks associated with driving, such as speeding, distracted driving, and the dangers of driving under the influence.
  14. Emergency Procedures: Teach your teenager what to do in case of an emergency or breakdown, including how to change a tire and whom to contact for help.
  15. Gradual Independence: As your teenager gains experience and demonstrates responsible driving, gradually grant them more independence and freedom. Continue to provide guidance and support as needed.

Teen Safe Driving Week serves as a reminder to parents to prioritize their child's safety on the road and equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to make responsible decisions behind the wheel. These practices should extend beyond the week and be part of an ongoing commitment to safe driving education and awareness. ReeseLaw is invested in the safety and well-being of the families we represent. If you have questions about family law, contact us for a consultation.

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